Dear AOFNMB members and future members,
On behalf of the AOFNMB, I cordially express sincere gratitude to
Prof. Tomio Inoue, the Chair of AOCNMB 2017, his team of Yokohama City
University, members of the Organizing Committee and the Program Committee, a
number of industries (39 booth exhibition, 3 sponsored Symposium, and 13
sponsored seminars), and the management Office (Trinity and Japan Convention
Service) to hold such a wonderful academic conference on October 4th-7th
this year in Yokohama, Japan. There are 2448 registered participants including
nuclear medicine physicians, nuclear medicine-related scientists, technologists,
nurses, and undergraduate and postgraduate students. The National Delegate Assembly of AOFNMB was held on October 5th
with representatives of countries and regions. The Amendment of the current
charter, the budget issues, the structure of membership, the appointment of
Secretary General, Treasurer, Regional representative (Vice President),
inclusion of the Editor-in-Chief of Asia Oceania Journal of Nuclear Medicine
and Chair of Asian School of Nuclear Medicine, Director of Asia Oceania
Research Initiative Network, and Management Office was approved. We have distinguished guests from the International Atomic Energy
Agency (IAEA). Mr. Yukiya Amano, the IAEA Secretary General and Dr. Diana
Paetz, Division Head of Nuclear Medicine, the IAEA Department of Nuclear
Sciences and Technologies. Mr. Amano presented a promotion of radiation therapy
against cancer especially in developing countries. Based on his long-term
experience, the importance of early diagnosis was emphasized. Moreover, the
importance of patient culture/education was also emphasized. Dr. Paetz followed
DG Mr. Amano’s lecture by presenting actual and ongoing plans of the IAEA to
realize it. The 4th Honorable Fellow of Asian Nuclear Medicine Board
was given to Prof. Tatsuo Ido, Chair Professor
of Gachon University, Incheon City, South Korea, and Professor Emeritus Tohoku University, Sendai,
Japan. Prof. Tatsuo Ido is an inventor of the radio-synthesis method of
2-deoxy-2-fluoro-D-glucose (FDG) at Brookhaven National Laboratory USA in 1976
under the leadership of Dr. Alfred Wolf. The Board of Directors of AOFNMB were also nominated by the President.
These members are asked to work together in the various Councils such as Brain Imaging Council, Cardiac
Imaging Council, FDG PET Council, Skeletal Imaging Council, General NM Council,
Thyroid Council, Molecular Target Radionuclide Therapy Council, Hybrid Imaging
Council (including PET MR), NM Technology Council, Radiopharmaceuticals Council,
Nuclear Physics Council (Radionuclide production), and Public Relation Council
(including patient culture, referring doctors). These Councils are active
bodies of human resource development for nuclear medicine professionals. The
list of nominated Members is shown in this Home Page soon. Please let me know
your willingness to work together as an active member. On October 4th 2017, the FANMB examination was held in
Yokohama with 17 examiners and 38 examinees. This
year, we have 35 successful examinees
entitled “Fellow of Asian Nuclear Medicine Board (FANMB)”. Now there are 130 FANMB. The next FANMB examination will be held in Melbourne in
conjunction with World Congress of Nuclear Medicine and Biology in April 2018
(WCNMB 2018) and Asian Nuclear Medicine Academic Forum (ANMAF 2018). Details
will be announced in this Home Page soon. The AOFNMB will support 10 young investigators to have the FANMB
examination and to attend the WCNMB 2018. Details of eligibility and
application will be soon announced in this Home Page. Next AOCNMB was decided to be held in Shanghai in 2019 under Prof.
Huang Gang, the Chair of AOCNMB 2019. Details will be announced in this Home
Page later. Finally, I thank you again for joining AOFNMB 2017 in Yokohama. All
your contribution this time is a fuel and an engine for the next step. October 9th, 2017
Sincerely yours,
Jun Hatazawa, President of AOFNMB