Dear AOFNMB Industry Members, Greetings from Jun Hatazawa who is elected this year as the president. As you know, AOFNMB is a nuclear medicine federation that covers Asia Oceania and the Middle East, and has undergone many growth and development under the leadership of prominent seniors over the past several years. In addition, with the help and support of various industry partners, we have been driving growth by establishing a system and strengthening solidarity in Asia in a relatively short period of time.
As you know, Asia has a diverse background with different cultures and languages, but we believe we can have strong solidarity based on diversity. I hope to be an association that studies, learns and grows together with your sustainable support.
Over the past few years, we have accomplished many achievements such as research, education, and solidarity. This year, one of many projects to be promoted specifically is the Payment Membership strongly. By making a minimum payment to the association, we will strengthen our sense of fellowship and expand our finance as the Federation, and it will be a stepping stone for further business promotion in the future. We currently have more than 500 members and have been converting all our memberships into paid membership for the last three years. We will also build an industry membership category and ask for your cooperation this year. Membership fee is 10,000USD, and membership payment includes the following benefits:
* Please contact the secretariat for the amount less than 10,000USD. - Reduced square meter price for exhibition space - Priority in choosing exhibition space - Logo and website link placement in Newsletters per calendar year - Listing of corporate members in a dedicated A4 color page in the AOCNMB final program - Logo and website link placement on the AOFNMB homepage - Invitation to Asia Oceania Research Initiative Network where many projects are treated with equal Partnership for promotion of Nuclear Medicine practice in Asia and Oceania - Priority of education and training platform of AOFNMB for customers
Thank you for your deep understanding and cooperation. If you agree with our policy, please fill out the enclosed Payment Form and send it to the Secretariat (Tel:+82-2-765-7996, Email: Thank you again for your support and friendship.

Jun Hatazawa, M.D., Ph.D. President, AOFNMB
REGULAR : Physicians, scientists or pharmacists possessing an advanced degree who have presented credentials indicating their professional activity, either, medical, paramedical, investigational or educational in the scientific or clinical disciplines of molecular imaging or nuclear medicine. This includes the diagnostic, therapeutic or investigational use of radionuclides or other molecular imaging technologies.
* Type 1) 100USD/5yrs
2) 20USD/1yr * Benefits Reduced rate of congress fee Application for ANMB examination Application for travel grants Right to download the education contents (revised one) Invitation to AOFNMB activities
IN-TRAINING : Free Physicians, scientists, technologists, and scientific laboratory professionals who are enrolled in accredited training programs or postdoctoral fellowships
INDUSTRY : * Type 1) Gold: 10,000USD/1yr
2) Silver: 5,000USD/1yr 3) Bronze: 3,000USD/1yr * Benefits Reduced square meter price for exhibition space Priority in choosing exhibition space Logo and website link placement in Newsletters per calendar year (HTML mail to more than 1,000 recipients). Mailing dates and chosen issues have to be announced to the AOFNMB Executive Office well in advance Listing of corporate members in a dedicated A4 color page in the AOCNMB final program Logo and website link placement on the AOFNMB homepage ( Invitation to Asia Oceania Research Initiative Network where many projects are treated with equal Partnership for promotion of Nuclear Medicine practice in Asia and Oceania Priority of education and training platform of AOFNMB for customers