EANM YIM 2015 - Open Call for EANM Young Investigators
EANM Executive Office, Vienna
The initiative Young Investigators Meeting (YIM) came from the past EANM President Prof. A. Cuocolo. The aim was to attract more young investigators and to offer them more recognition and support for the ongoing projects, as well as to foster their involvement in the field of Nuclear Medicine.
The previous EANM Young Investigators Meetings (taking place once a year since 2009) were a big success in several aspects. The participants expressed their great appreciation for the chance to meet their European peers in a relaxed and classroom size framework and to discuss diverse topics guided by the “experience and recommendations of well-known authors”.
The EANM YIM 2015 is scheduled for July 16-17, 2015 at the EANM Executive Office in Vienna. The topic is “New tracers for pre-clinical and clinical use - from bench to bedside”.
The meeting will be held at the EANM Executive Office in Vienna, which draws on experience over several years in facilitating successful meetings and hosting the Nuclear Medicine community with great dedication.
The aim of this meeting is to offer to the YIM participants a framework to present and discuss their research projects within their peer group. The Chair of the EANM Drug Development Committee(Antony Gee) and the Chair of the Translational Molecular Imaging Committee (Marion de Jong) will provide guidance in the preparation of the meeting program and as moderators throughout the discussions.
We would like to emphasize that this meeting is also open to young physicists, radiopharmacists, radiochemists and biologists.
A time-efficient schedule foresees the participants’ arrival in the early morning of Thursday. Half of the YIM Session will take place starting in the late morning of the arrival day, followed by a joint dinner. On Friday morning, the second half of the YIM will take place. Departure will be in the afternoon/evening of Friday. 50% of the meeting will be dedicated to presentations and 50% to discussion.
An amount of € 2.000 will be awarded for the best presented abstract at YIM 2015.
- Age limit: 33 years or under - The candidate is in an early stage of ongoing research or writing the project proposal pertaining to the topic "New tracers for pre-clinical and clinical use - from bench to bedside”. The paper must not be finalized and not be published before the meeting – this has to be confirmed by signature of the candidate. - The candidate is EANM Member, member of the respective National Society and from a country recognized by the Council of Europe. - He/she has to be able to give his/her presentation in English. - A letter of support signed by the respective Head of the Nuclear Medicine department must be issued stating that: if the candidate wins the YIM award, the prize money will be dedicated to the awarded project, which will be realized within the department. This letter has to be provided together with the application form. - The YIM’15 award winner is willing to send a short report about the meeting and his/her project development to the Executive Office in due course after the YIM. - An abstract of the candidate’s research project has to be provided in advance as the program of the meeting will be structured on the basis of the abstracts of the participants’ research projects (400-600 words).
The EANM YIM Jury, which was appointed by the EANM Board, will evaluate each abstract and if qualified, these candidates will be invited to the EANM YIM 2015 "New tracers for pre-clinical and clinical use - from bench to bedside”.
- Accommodation will be covered by EANM.
* Travel expenses will be covered by own.
Please fill in the application form and submit it together with the letter of support signed by the head of the Nuclear Medicine Department by May 14, 2015 to ARCCNM/AOFNMB (arccnm@arccnm.org). In May 17 you will be notified whether you have been chosen to participate in YIM 2015.
We would be grateful if you would pass this call on to as many potentially interested persons as you can think of in your and other institutions.
We are looking forward to receiving your applications and thank you for supporting this initiative. |