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件名1st Working Group Meeting (date: 2012-06-02)2017-07-20 17:46:16

1st Working Group Meeting


We are changed the venue of the 1st Working Group Meeting of ARCCNM from Lahore, Pakistan to Bangkok, Thailand and it was held from 30 to 31 October, 2001 by the cooperation of the Thailand Society of Nuclear Medicine. The meeting place was Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand, and Chairman and 8 Working Group Members, Dr. Myung-Chul Lee, Dr. Anchali Krisanachinda, Dr. Mizanul Hasan, Dr. Vikram R. Lele, Dr. Sang-Moo Lim, Dr. Jerry M. Obaldo, Dr. Soebowo Soemewo, Dr. Cheuk Man Tong(alternative delegate for Dr. Jia-He Tian) and Dr. Shuji Tanada, attended the meeting.

One day before the Working Group Meeting of ARCCNM, there was an International Symposium (October 31), entitled "The Current Nuclear Medicine in Asia" for Session I, and "Updated Nuclear Medicine Technology" for Session II respectively. The detailed programme of International Symposium and agenda for Working Group Meeting are as follows:


Programme of International Symposium

Ananda Mahidol Building Room No. 209
Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University
October 30, 2001


0900 - 0910 : Opening Remarks - Dr. Myung-Chul Lee, Chairman of ARCCNM
Welcome Address - Dr. Vacharee Buachom, President of TSNM
International Symposium I - "Current Status of Nuclear Medicine in Asia"
                                              : Chairman - Dr. Makumkrong Poshyachinda

09:10 - 09:30 : Current Status of NM in Korea - Dr. Myung-Chul Lee
09:30 - 09:50 : Current Status of NM in Japan - Dr. Shuji Tanada
09:50 - 10:10 : Current Status of NM in Thailand - Dr. Anchali Krisanachinda
10:10 - 10:30 : Current Status of NM in Indonesia - Dr. Soebowo Soemewo
10:30 - 10:50 Coffee Break
10:50 - 11:10 : Current Status of NM in Philippines - Dr. Jerry M. Obaldo
:10 - 11:30 : Current Status of NM in India - Dr. Vikram R. Lele
:30 - 11:50 : Current Status of NM in Bangladesh - Dr. Mizanul Hasan
:50 - 12:10 : Current Status of NM in Hong Kong - Dr. William C. M. Tong
:10 - 12:30 : Current Status of NM in China - Dr. Jia-He Tian
12:30 - 13:30: Lunch
International Symposium II - "Updated Nuclear Medicine Technology"
                                              : Chairman - Dr. Vacharee Buachum

13:30 - 14:00 : Current Status of PET Application in Korea - Dr. Myung-Chul Lee
14:00 - 14:30 : Research on Neurotransmeter Using PET in NIRS- Dr. Shuji Tanada
14:30 - 15:00 : Advances on Nuclear Oncology - Dr. Sang-Moo Lim
15:00 - 15:30 : Coffee Break
15:30 - 16:30 : Introduction of ARCCNM - Dr. Myung-Chul Lee, Chairman

                                       - Free discussion -

16:30 - : Closing Remarks


Agenda for the 1ST ARCCNM Working Group Meeting

Ananda Mahidol Building Room No. 209
Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University
October 31, 2001
Bangkok, Thailand

09:00 - 12:00 : Morning Session
1. The 1st Annual General Meeting in Dalian, China (June 4, 2002)
: The detailed action plan
a. Differences from CJK meeting: Relationship
b. Free paper: abstract form, deadline of submission, evaluation
c. Symposium
d. Special lecture
e. Continuing education
f. Time table
g. Supporting Policy
h. Scientific Program Association with Executive Board Meeting and
   Working Group Meeting
i. Others

2. Cooperation with International Organization
a. Relationship with AOFNMB
b. IAEA: RCA Proposal from South Korea
c. Technology transfer programs for PET related and updated nuclear medicine
d. Others
12:00 - 14:00 : Lunch
14:00 - 17:00 : Afternoon Session

3. Asian School of Nuclear Medicine(ASNM)

a. Experiences in European School of Nuclear Medicine
b. Organization of ASNM, Dean, members of instructors, and office
c. Education courses / activities;
   - Nuclear medicine physician
   - Nuclear medicine medical technologist
   - Scientists - physicist, chemist, pharmacist, biologist
    - in nuclear medicine
d. Certification procedures
e. Continuing education programs

4. Special Items
a. Practical role of ARCCNM Organization
   - Vice Chairmen
   - Executive Board Member
   - Working Group Member
   - Task-Force Group
b. Relationship with National Societies and Role of Delegates
c. Financial support and Budget
d. News letters, Home page
e. Future action: meeting plan, etc.
f. Others
18:00 - 19:00 : Dinner