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件名Foundation of ARCCNM (date: 2013-08-13)2017-07-20 17:50:12
International communication and cooperation among nuclear medicine societies are mandatory to reduce heterogeneity and to enhance promotion of nuclear medicine pracitce in Asia. The Asian Regional Cooperative Council for Nuclear Medicine (ARCCNM) was founded in 2000 and officially started in Feb. 2001 by pioneers in Asia, including Drs. M.C. Lee (Korea), M.A. Karim (Bangladesh), J.S. Masjhur (Indonesia), Y. Suzuki (Japan), X.J. Liu (China), F.X. Sundram (Singapore), C.M. Tong (Hong Kong) and J.K. Chung (Korea). ARCCNM began with 13 member states but later
grew to include 18.

  Its main objectives are to establish liaisons with the official national bodies of nuclear medicine and to enhance regional scientific activities by way of conferences, seminars and educational programs, by which communication between experts, trainees and fellows in the field may be facilitated. The
founding chairman was Dr. M.C. Lee. Chairmanship was succeeded by Dr. J.K. Chung in 2003 and by Dr. H.S. Bom (Korea) in 2010.

  ARCCNM has three regional chapters: Southeast Asia, South Asia and Far East Asia, which were represented by co-vice chairs Drs. M.A. Karim, J.S.
Masjhur and Y. Suzuki, respectively. The main objectives of ARCCNM are to foster Asian regional cooperation in promoting nuclear medicine in Asian countries, particularly in developing and less-developed countries, to establish liaisons with the official national bodies of nuclear medicine, to encourage research collaboration, to work out training programs, to communicate with international organizations, to enhance regional scientific activities by way of conferences, seminars and educational programs, to facilitate exchange programs for experts, trainees and fellows and to organize Task Force Groups.